wakeboarder doing a flip behind the Heyday WT2-DC

Born for Wake Sports

Designed by wake enthusiasts, our innovation and attention to detail shine where it matters most.

wakeboarder doing a trick in the air


The Heyday transom intersects with the waterline at a 117-degree angle (vs. the industry norm of 90 degrees), releasing water in a pattern that creates a natural and oh-so-clean surf curl. 
Soft, radiused corners help pull water around the listed side of the boat, continuously feeding the curl, while extra width in the stern helps to cancel prop torque and reduce onboard weight sensitivity. 
Wakeboarding action behind the H22, shot on Lake Lanier near Atlanta Georgia


Integrated in the hull design, sub-floor hard tanks maximize ballast without sacrificing under-seat storage. When full, this integrated ballast pushes the boat downward to give you more pop on your favorite tricks. 
Hard-tank ballast also eliminates the maintenance that comes with bag ballast. That means you spend less time cleaning and more time shredding. 
man riding a freeboard


Displacement is limited by the boat's side height or freeboard. Heyday's aft freeboard is deeper, increasing the amount of hull that can be pushed into the water. 
A deeper hull means that there's more capacity to add more ballast, which pushes more hull below the water resulting in greater downward force and pushing a taller wave or wake behind the boat. 
Lighting on the H22, shot on Lake Lanier near Atlanta Georgia

Every model comes wake-ready, but you can customize yours with popular options and accessories.

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